The Congressional Black Associates Statement on Women’s History Month 


March 6, 2020


Maya Valentine

(202) 744-1147

WASHINGTON, DC - “The Congressional Black Associates joins in celebrating Women’s History Month 2020. Since this country’s inception, Black women have paved the way and contributed greatly to the betterment of America, leading movements that advanced equality and justice for all. 

“All month long, we are proud to pay recognition to the brave women who take up space and fight for futures they can’t see. From the fight for the ballot box to equal pay, and by breaking glass ceilings-- women push our nation closer to the more perfect union we were called to be. 

“Shirley Chisholm was the first Black woman in Congress and to run for president. Since then, 47 Black women have served in the United States Congress two have run for president, and all of them have inspired us to dream and achieve higher. Today, we see the most diverse Congress in modern history, including Black women representing congressional districts. 

“As we celebrate the amazing accomplishments of our She-ros, we acknowledge all the work that must still be done and the part we play in achieving greater success for women. This month, we recommit to empowering black women on the Hill.”